40+ Weird Products People Have Actually Purchased That We Never Even Knew Existed

Bizarre Products That Still Have a Fanbase!

People love owning things that set them apart. A different kind of dress or a shoe, a unique vase, everything is acceptable. These products are not only unique but they’re also a little out-of-the-box. From avocado roll-on sticks to gasoline-scented candles, these products border on the corner of cute and strange. Here are some purchases that will amaze you with their existence, but you’ll still want to buy them immediately because wasting money, on unnecessary things, is a passion!

Hamburger Dinner

When this person purchased a hamburger dinner, you’d assume he thought he would receive a hamburger of some sort that he can eat. Turns out, he received a ready-to-eat dish that was not ready-to-eat at all.

Hamburger Dinner

Not only is the food not hamburger, as you can clearly see pasta featured on the box, but the instructions are also to add beef to the meal. We think that this customer definitely got ripped off.

Lightning McQueen Roller Crocs

Your footwear is supposed to stabilize you, making walking easier and more effective. However, these roller crocs look like they do the absolute opposite, as the buyer must have found out immediately after putting them on.

Lightning McQueen Roller Crocs

The roller probably makes it impossible for the person to walk around, only making gliding feasible. The print and the size of the crocs look like it’s a child’s purchase, but even then the parents should have known better.

Pickle Toothpaste

There are some things that go great when they’re paired with pickles. These include sandwiches, devilled eggs, certain salads, and drinks. But, one thing that definitely should never be pickle-flavored is your toothpaste.

Pickle Toothpaste

This person probably thought that this would be a great and tasty way to start the day, but it’s easy to predict what a disaster this probably was. Pickle fresh breath — a hard pass from us and probably everybody else who ever saw this product.

Bacon Banaids

Everybody loves bacon, right? Sizzling hot, straight from the pan and into your breakfast plate, it’s a perfect addition to any eggs and toast meal. But, do we really want to be thinking about this greasy food when we’ve just been hurt?

Bacon Banaids

Clearly, someone does. Otherwise, these bacon bandages wouldn’t exist. Although, we really can’t imagine why anyone would want to buy this… Maybe for the prize inside?